The Tribune is the largest selling English daily newspaper in North India. It is published by the Tribune Trust and is headquartered in Chandigarh, India. It is a member of the Indian Press Association, the leading body of English newspapers in the country. Its staff is based in Amritsar, New Delhi, Lahore and Ambala, and has been in operation for over a hundred years aditianovit.
The history of the paper dates back to 1881, when Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia founded it in Lahore (now Pakistan). He was a public-spirited philanthropist who envisioned that an independent newspaper could be a powerful tool for nationalistic purposes. He was a great believer in education and he was also a strong supporter of the Indian National Congress.
He believed that the best way to achieve social and economic progress was by encouraging education in the masses. He established a public library, a college of modern learning and an institution for training the educated classes in the Punjab. He was a man of great compassion and a strong philanthropist, who wanted to ensure that all the citizens of his country were well-educated and informed about current affairs.
It was during his two-year sojourn abroad that Dyal Singh realized the importance of an independent newspaper and he decided to start one in Lahore, with the help of some Bengali friends. He contacted Surendranath Banerjea oyepandeyji, who was in the country at that time, and he asked him to suggest people for the job of editors and writers.
Some of the people who he approached to help him out were Seetalchandra Mookerjee, who had worked for The Pioneer in Allahabad, and Sitalakanta Chatterjee, who had been working for The Civil and Military Gazette. These men were trained journalists, and they did a good job for Dyal Singh.
After a few months of hard work, The Tribune started getting very good circulation and became popular among the educated classes in Punjab. At the same time, it became known to the general public, as well. In fact, during the period of its first ten years, it was able to claim a fair share of Punjab’s population xotic news.
As a result, it was able to expand its operations in other parts of the country, like the states of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. The paper was able to become the leading national newspaper of Punjab and the northern region, and this helped it gain a reputation for unbiased reporting on national and international events.
He continued to follow his principles in the newspaper and made sure that it remained an independent voice with no bias or partisanship of any kind. It was a model of democracy in the true sense of the term, and this reflected its strong commitment to the cause of free speech.
Even after Partition, the Tribune Trust has managed to keep Sardar Dyal Singh’s vision of the spread of knowledge alive. Trustees have continued to follow his philosophy and it remains a source of inspiration for young people today.